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Simple card.



A Simple Card

Card of Zusty CSS is quite good. It's made for better UX and UI. You can use it too.

<div class="zust-card">
  <p class="zust-uppercase">info</p>
  <h3>A Simple Card</h3>
  <p>Card of Zusty CSS is quite good. It's made for better UX and UI. You can use it too.</p>
  <!-- You can Put anything inside of it -->

Flat card

There is flat card as well.


You can see cat almost everywhere. They are adorable.

<div class="zust-card zust-flat">
  <p>You can see cat almost everywhere. They are adorable.</p>

With button

You can also add button to any card.

Snake Game

Snake Game is the first and oldest mobile game I've ever played. It can be found on very old nokia phones.

<div class="zust-card">
  <h3>Snake Game</h3>
  <p>Snake Game is the first and oldest mobile game I've ever played. It can be found on very old nokia phones.</p>
    <button class="zust-btn zust-transparent">Play</button>
    <button class="zust-btn zust-transparent">Download</button>

With fullwidth button

You can also use fullwidth buttons with card.


Pay to enjoy Premium Features.

Pack Includes -

  • Premium Icons
  • Unique Stickers
  • Limitless Power
<div class="zust-card">
  <h1 class="zust-text-centered">$25</h1>
  <p>Pay to enjoy Premium Features.</p>
  <p>Pack Includes -</p>
    <li>Premium Icons</li>
    <li>Unique Stickers</li>
    <li>Limitless Power</li>
    <button class="zust-success zust-btn zust-fullwidth">Pay $25</button>

Landscape card

By default all cards are portrait. You can make them landscape.

Landscape cards are mainly for almost large text. As this text, this is quite Large. Don't you think so?

<div class="zust-card zust-landscape">
  <p>Landscape cards are mainly for almost large text. As this text, this is quite Large. Don't you think so?</p>

React on hover

If you want your cards to be reactive when hovered then you can use this. Just add class zust-hoverable.

Hover over me then see the effect. Hope you like it. I am personally loving this.

Hover effect also works well in flat cards. It works anyway.

<div class="zust-card zust-hoverable">
  <p>Hover over me then see the effect. Hope you like it. I am personally loving this.</p>
<div class="zust-card zust-flat zust-hoverable">
  <p>Hover effect also works well in flat cards. It works anyway.</p>


You can use Color Helper to color any card.

Green card using color helper. It's awesome :P

<div class="zust-card zust-bg-green">
  <p>Green card using color helper. It's awesome :P</p>

RTL card

Cards can be RTL.

RTL Card

This is a right to left card. Not that all people will use LTR card, that's why I made this :D

<div class="zust-card zust-rtl zust-landscape">
  <h2>RTL Card</h2>
  <p>This is a right to left card. Not that all people will use LTR card, that's why I made this :D</p>
    <button class="zust-btn zust-primary">Donate</button>
    <button class="zust-btn zust-transparent">Share</button>

With container

You can place multiple cards inside Zusty's built-in container. You can use container helpers as well. They will break when necessary.


A Simple Card

Card of Zusty CSS is quite good. It's made for better UX and UI. You can use it too.

Snake Game

Snake Game is the first and oldest mobile game I've ever played. It can be found on very old nokia phones.

Landscape cards are mainly for almost large text. As this text, this is quite large. Don't you think so?

Hover over me then see the effect. Hope you like it. I am personally loving this.

Green card using color helper. It's awesome :P

RTL Card

This is a right to left card. Not that all people will use LTR card, that's why I made this :D

<div class="zust-container zust-f-centered">
  <div class="zust-card">
    <p class="zust-uppercase">info</p>
    <h3>A Simple Card</h3>
    <p>Card of Zusty CSS is quite good. It's made for better UX and UI. You can use it too.</p>

  <div class="zust-card">
    <h3>Snake Game</h3>
    <p>Snake Game is the first and oldest mobile game I've ever played. It can be found on very old nokia phones.</p>
      <button class="zust-btn zust-transparent">Play</button>
      <button class="zust-btn zust-transparent">Download</button>

  <div class="zust-card zust-landscape">
    <p>Landscape cards are mainly for almost large text. As this text, this is quite large. Don't you think so?</p>

  <div class="zust-container">
    <div class="zust-card zust-hoverable">
      <p>Hover over me then see the effect. Hope you like it. I am personally loving this.</p>

  <div class="zust-card zust-bg-green">
    <p>Green card using color helper. It's awesome :P</p>

  <div class="zust-card zust-rtl zust-landscape">
    <h2>RTL Card</h2>
    <p>This is a right to left card. Not that all people will use LTR card, that's why I made this :D</p>
      <button class="zust-btn zust-primary">Donate</button>
      <button class="zust-btn zust-transparent">Share</button>

Same height

Cards are of same height by default if you put them on container.

With less content

Just a line.

With more content

If a card contains more content than other cards then other cards will increase their height to fill up and make same height.

<div class="zust-container">
  <div class="zust-card">
    <h3>With less content</h3>
    <p>Just a line.</p>
        <button class="zust-btn zust-primary">Less</button>

  <div class="zust-card">
    <h3>With more content</h3>
      If a card contains more content than other cards then 
      other cards will increase their height to fill up and make same height.
        <button class="zust-btn zust-link">More</button>

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